
Church Membership


We are excited to welcome you to Annetta United Methodist Church at any time! Whether you are joining a church for the first time or you are transferring your membership from another church community, we welcome you to our church family! You may join on Sunday morning by simply coming to the front during the last hymn, join during the week, or by simply filling out the membership form. Please indicate your desire to join.

What happens when I join?

  • We will ask you the name and city of the last church where you were a member (whether that was last week or years ago). If you have never been a member of a church, you simply tell us that and we will record your membership as a Profession of Faith (meaning this is the beginning of you saying “yes” to Christ and the church).
  • We will ask you if you have ever been baptized. We recognize all baptisms in all Christian denominations and regardless of the method of baptism.
  • If you have never been baptized, we will talk with you about the process of arranging a baptism. Baptism is the sacrament that accompanies a Profession of Faith. We will arrange your baptism in any worship service.
  • If you are transferring to our church from another church, we will contact that church by mail and let them know you have joined Annetta United Methodist Church.
  • All new members are asked the question that we have all answered, “Will you be loyal to Christ and uphold the church with your prayers, presence, gifts, service and witness?”
  • If you have any other question, please feel free to contact us. We are excited that you are considering Annetta UMC as your church family.